Presidents Message


President’s Notes

My fellow Probians

Thank you to those members who have been proposing new people to join our Club. It is good to see the new members participating in our various activities.

I would like to ask all our members to consider asking a friend or acquaintance along to a Club meeting with a view to becoming a member of our Club.

Vice President, Peter Gibbs, and Past President, Carole Williams, are going to be writing a series of articles for the Newsletter outlining the duties of the Club’s committee members. The first of these articles appear on pages 2 & 3. It is hoped that this will make it easier to find members to fill committee positions.

Spring is sprung the grass is ris, goes the rhyme (see below). It is nice to see the daylight extending, with warmth in the sun, and blossom on the trees and flowers, after what has been a cold winter.

Peter Matthews

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