Interest Groups


Coffee & Chat

Coffee & Chat

The next Coffee & Chat will be on 

Again, it will be at Olive Lane Café, in Doncaster Road, North Balwyn Village Shopping Centre at 10.00am.

Great coffee, beautiful cakes, sweets and muffins plus wonderful company and fellowship.

Stay for lunch if you wish!

Please let me know if you would like to join us.

This will help the Café cater for the numbers.

SMS me or email

All welcome.


Summer BBQ

Summer BBQ

Colin and Barb Richards

Twenty two members descended on the Barnsbury Club House in quite cool conditions on Wednesday January 15th.

The night started with the men and some of the ladies congregating around the BBQ. There was plenty of variety in the salads and desserts provided by members and from the chatter and noise generated, people were enjoying the night. A highlight was an impromptu speech from Frank Hawkins. Frank is a founding member and past president, and has contributed to Walking, Outings and Getaway groups to name a few, with his late wife Margaret. Frank was very appreciative of being able to be included in the group and is still enjoying his Probus membership.

SUMMER BBQ NUMBER 3 – Thursday February the 13th

Our third Summer BBQ will take place from 5:30 pm on Wednesday 13th of February at the Club House at Barnsbury, 27 Barnsbury Road, Deepdene. The format will be the same as the two previous BBQ evenings, but this time we hope there will not be any rain on the day or evening and we get a lovely sunny day and evening.

There will be a limit of 20 people, so let Colin or Barb know if you will be attending. Bring your own meat and drinks, and if you would like to bring a salad or dessert to share, that would be much appreciated. We hope to see you then.


Treasurers Report

Treasurer’s Report

As at mid-day 27th January, the bank balance is $8,535.

This amount includes the Council grant of $3,500 and also advance receipts of $330 for the February outing.

The Christmas lunch was paid for in December and we have no outstanding bills.

For any matters requiring my attention such as online deposits, payments, reimbursements etc, please refer to banking and contact details below:

Payments to Probus can be made by cash at any meeting or by using:

BSB 083 277 Account Number 569521388 for direct transfer.

Don't forget to include your details and when sending an email about your payment, send a copy to me and any other relevant person, for example, the in-coming outings convenor.



Golf Group - Gary Jackson

Golf to restart in February 2025 at Ivanhoe Golf Course, Madden Lane and Loyola Crs, Ivanhoe.

Tee off times for Tuesday February 4th at 10.08am, and Monday 10th at 10.08am.

Monday17th at 9.36am and Monday 24th at 10.08am.

Golf results for end of Year 2024 games




Nearest the

Best off the


Ian Bourke

Peter Matthews


Peter Gibbs


Peter Matthews

Trevor Mackey

Brenda Mackey

Mike Pavey

During our 2024 Christmas break up lunch, our individual 2024 winners were announced.

Nearest the pin - Peter Gibbs with 10 wins Longest Drive - Mike Pavey with 12 wins

Best off the Stick- Mike Pavey with 17 wins

‘Green Jacket’ winner – Ian Bourke on 7 wins is our 2024 Auburn Probus Golf Champion. Tied for runners up with 6 wins each were Peter Matthews and Einhart Lincke.

Congratulations to all our winners.


Brew & Chew

Brew and Chew

Ian Philips

By now. it is no longer appropriate to extend good wishes for the New Year – 2025 may well be 10% spent when you read this.

However, Brew + Chew did meet in January, when the cartoon from last year (below) involving an orange-haired disruptor had already become a prophesy fulfilled!

Fortunately, the debate did not wholly revolve around North American (why leave Mexico and Canada out!) politics, and ventured into commentaries about dictators past and current, particularly of a European flavour, the voluntary and involuntary ceding of territory - and all without mentioning the Middle-East or domestic debates. Next month, (February 26) when our numbers are replenished by the return from hols, hospital etc. debate may (or may not) centre on AI and whether these paragraphs would be better written by using ChatGPT!

Contact me on my mobile


Armchair Travel

Armchair Travel

Convenor: Shirley Fenemor

Well, we are all back again – enjoying the hot weather???

Maybe a cruise including the Christmas Markets in Europe was the way to go!!!!

Anyway, buckle up your seat belts and get ready to be transported to India, starting at Taenil Naidu and finishing at Kerala (for homework please locate these places in your atlas – if you remember what an atlas is)!

Graeme McRae will be our leader on Wednesday 26th February

(7.30pm at Manningtree, Hawthorn). We are always happy to welcome new folk.

Ring me if you need any further information.

PS If this all has a familiar ring – Graeme is happy to try again after the technicians couldn’t get the two computer programs to agree – or some similar problem!


Walking Group

The Walking Group meets twice a month usually on the 2nd and 4th Monday.

Walking Group : Janene Marshall

10th February

Canterbury - Leader Caroline Fraser - Meet in car park behind shops on south side of Maling Road. Enter car park from Wattle Valley Road near corner of Canterbury Road (Mel 46 E11) by 9.50am. Coffee TBA.

24th February

Fairview Park - Leaders Rita and Helga - Meet at Leonda by the Yarra car park,

2 Wallen Road, Hawthorn (Mel 45 A11) by 9.50am. There is plenty of parking available.

Coffee TBA.


Outings Group


Just a reminder to members who have indicated their wish to come on the outing to Castlemaine on Friday 28th February. The payment must be made no later than our next meeting on 3rd February.

If payment, by that date, either by electronic transfer or cash at the meeting has not been received, your place will be given to the next member on the waiting list. Names may be placed on the waiting list by messaging Jan on 0409 442 995. Cost is $30.00 pp and the coach will depart Renaissance Living,

932 Riversdale Road, Surrey Hills at 8.15am. This will allow us time for morning tea at Kyneton before arriving in Castlemaine for our tour of the house and gardens followed by lunch. All day parking is available on both sides of Riversdale Road. Please do not forget your sunscreen and hat.

On behalf of all the members of the club we would like to commend Jan for her hard work over a long time and congratulate her for successfully completing such a challenging job. She organised a number of experiences for those who attended and made them enjoyable ‘Outings’!

Well done and thank you Jan.


Dine Out Group

The Dine Out Groups arranges bookings for either Lunch or Dinner at various restaurants and cafes in the area

John McIntosh

Our next booking is for the Box Hill RSL on Monday the 17th of February at 7:30pm



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