This Meeting's Speaker


The Next General meeting is on Monday 1st July 2024 at 10 am

July Speaker                     

Jeff Loewenstein

Palestine and Israel – the past, present and future?

Jeff Loewenstein practised as a commercial barrister in Melbourne for many years before retiring recently.

He, his son Antony and his daughter-in-law Alli were interviewed on the “Compass” program on the ABC on the 5th of May covering their experiences in Israel and Palestine over the years. Antony had lived in Israel for many years as a writer and journalist, whilst Alli worked for Oxfam in Gaza. Jeff has visited Israel a number of times over the years. Between them, they have gathered a wide knowledge of the issues which feature continuously in the media and which have resulted in many divisions

June speakers summary

Last month we experienced a change with a great collection of traveller’s tales from our members. Thanks to those who were able to participate. Rather than attempting to summarise their stories, I thought that I would tell you one more of my tales.

Years ago, actually 1973, when I was working in London I had a chance to join a party from The University of London on its thirteenth annual three week long visit to the Soviet Union. It was a chance to visit schools and to talk with Russian Education Ministry bureaucrats. Barbara very generously said that she could manage our 3, 4 and 5 year olds.

They came out to Heathrow, which was close to where we lived, to see me off. The Russian Aeroflot departure was delayed and delayed. Finally an apology: there had been some confusion with the luggage.

We arrived at Leningrad, now St Petersburg, went through the rather threatening security check and went to collect our luggage. All cases were there, bar one, mine. There was some consternation amongst the group as to how I could manage. I said, don’t worry, I have my camera and my tooth brush, I can wash my clothes as needed each night and dry them on the heaters. I wore the same clothes for three weeks, but I got by.

Three weeks after we returned to London, a taxi arrived. Aeroflot had found my luggage. No apology. All that was missing was a small packet of “gold” Qantas kangaroo lapel pins which the airline had kindly given me to give to Russian school kids.

Norm Fary

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