Vice Presidents Note

Vice President’s Notes

Morning Tea Roster for October meeting

Peter Gibbs

The following members are on roster duty for the October Club Meeting:

Chris Tyrrell             Janie Pirret               Sue Fitz

Please be at the Club by 9:30am to assist with the preparation

Based on recent experience, members of the Bowls Club will be at hand to assist with familiarization with the facilities.

If you are unable to attend on the day you are on duty please arrange for someone else to take your place

Committee Structure - Vice Presidents Notes

This month we are covering the Treasurer, Secretary and Outings portfolios of our Committee.

The cohesiveness of our Committee ensures that the roles are not onerous as there is always assistance from those “who have been there before”.

We encourage each of you, be it long membership or recently joined, to consider nominating for or being approached at the time vacancies are declared.

Our Constitution provides for these positions to be held for one to three years and ideally more than one year is highly sought after to maintain the momentum of leadership.

Position: -Treasurer

The major responsibility of the Treasurer is to compile and accurately report the true financial position of the Club accounts.

Prior to each AGM a budget is prepared for the year ahead and signed off by the Committee.

Each month a report against this budget is presented to the Club Committee followed by a verbal report to each monthly Member’s meeting.

Again on a monthly basis there is the reconciliation of the club bank statements, recording payments, (cash, cheque and EFT’s).

Knowledge of Excel is a requirement for maintaining the comprehensive spreadsheet.

Some follow up of “slow” Member’s payments is involved.

Authorised signatory for payments from Club’s bank account.

At year-end submits the Club’s financial records to an external auditor.

Position – Secretary

A position perhaps transparent to the General Meetings as the main role is to support the President to ensure that the Management Committee runs smoothly.

The Secretary in consultation with the President prepares the meeting agenda, attends meetings, succinctly captures the outcomes of each agenda item and publishes the Minutes. Outside of the Meetings the Secretary is the key point of contact for the Club be it via the website or post.

Authorised signatory for payments from Club’s bank accounts.

A great opportunity to administer the non-financial business side of our Club.

Position- Outings

Researches suitable outings for each month (approx. 10 per year).

Ascertains the feasibility of costs and booking arrangements.

Checks proposed dates with the Vice President to minimize conflict with Special Interest

Groups calendars.

Advertises forthcoming outings well in advance via Newsletter or speaking at meetings.

Collects cash payments, writes receipts and records attendance and payments.

(The attendance list MUST be retained in case of an insurance claim)

Follows up member non payments.

Records all expenses and presents receipts to Treasurer for reimbursement.

Attends monthly Committee meetings and personally leads each outing.

Next month we shall conclude with the roles of Membership and Welfare.

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